A Christian Blog to encourage, challenge and strengthen.
...So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;

It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I desire,
And achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

More Time to Prepare

God's gracious gift of time, to prepare believers long before trials and tribulation overtake them in times of testing, in times of hardship (physical, spiritual, economical, national and personal) ... drawing believers out of compromise and bringing them into the light of full holiness. 

'Many are the troubles of the righteous, 
but the Lord delivers Him out of them all'

I began to notice God's very gracious gift of 'time' when the economy began it's first wobbling steps toward it's now 'very obvious' downward fall. And before I had even noticed this thing about 'time', I had received through the years, many prophetic dreams and visions from the Holy Spirit concerning the days we are in at this very moment and days/events that are still to arrive. All given over a period of many years and during times of seeming 'brightness, sunshine and growing prosperity' for the church and for the country. For one of the greatest tests of a prophetic dream/vision is that it is given when the reality of such a thing seems very improbable if not impossible... for then when it finally comes to fruition; it is then proved to be of God. The Lord also gives these warnings far in advance for another reason...and that reason is 'time'...time to repent, time to draw closer to Him, time to prepare your heart, soul and mind. God is very long suffering, very patient and very gracious... thus He grants us tons of 'time'. And when finally that 'time is up'...we then have no excuses.

Through much prayer and at times a combination of prayer and fasting, the Holy Spirit revealed the interpretations after each one. These have been shared with other believers over time as the Lord led. The symbols, dreams and visions themselves are not of importance to share; only what they represent which for the most part cover the subjects of the following: They are in no particular order of 'when they were given' or fulfillment... we are 'in the midst' of some while others can be seen 'on the horizon' or closer. Some are still 'out of view'.  

Concerning the things coming to the country:
   During the 3rd year of Obamas' first term, I was in mourning for the country. The Lord gave me a dream concerning the events that have been, are now, and those still to be fulfilled. Several weeks after the dream, I was given a 'waking' vision (this is a type of vision that you see with your eyes open and fully awake) to show the timing of the things I saw and all the things that had to unfold before the completion of all the country was going to go through. At the end of it all I was given hope and I wish for you to have hope also. 

Note* (April 2017) I have updated in italics some clarity the Lord has given me in the interpretation of certain words.
  • Apostasy, heresy in the church 
  • Coming judgement of that apostasy and heresy (and the exposure/judgement of the teachers/leaders)
  • Judgements and exposures of false teachers and false movements (especially prosperity doctrine)
  • Judgement also for the followers of these teachers/teachings (the country looks 'third world at this point)
  • The timing of the above is right before complete Chaos in the country which is then followed by Catastrophe in the 'World'
  • The judgement/falling apart of the wicked schemes/hidden agendas of the false teachers and leaders of the heresy/apostasy in the 'church'. ('The blind will lead the blind and both fall into a ditch' and 'Those who dig a pit for others will fall into that pit themselves')
  • The 'light' going out in the organized church (complete darkness within)
  • The pure, spotless bride of Christ coming forth with 'explosive light' shortly after the above
  • A horde of demons poring forth 'unfettered and free to do as they please' entering through southern California, spreading throughout the country
  • Persecution: wicked thoughts and wicked actions against the people of God (As a result of wicked theologies and wicked philosophies)
  • The fall of the country (including riots and civil unrest)
  • The fall and unrest taking place during this present administration (This part of the interpretation is not fully clear, it is in flux, it is shadowy. Its starts with Obamas' administration but I saw a darkness after the election of 'Trump' and it is as if two governments are in flux. As though one is seen and the other is still there but shadowy, doing things in shadow. This makes sense because when the 'crushing comes' and the people fight, they will not be fighting the current power but the other, the other that does the 'crushing'... because it (the last administration)still has workings behind the scenes. They are going to try one full onslaught of effort against the people 'the crushing'... but it will come to naught, although at great price.)
  • The complete and total exposure of liberalism and all hidden agendas immediately before the unrest (the crushing)
  • Great scandals that force the 'eye' of even the most die-hard liberal to 'open' (right before the 'crushing' from the government) (We are now halfway through this as of April 2017... many people have had their eyes opened but there are still many left. There is going to be some sort of final, huge 'something' (the Lord has not revealed to me what it is) that 'slaps' them in the face and forces reality upon them. Their eyes get slapped open in shock. And immediately upon the opening of their eyes, the 'crushing' comes upon us with great force!
  • One last, huge push by the government (not Trump...the other government in shadow) to 'crush us' (riots, civil unrest...the people (those who love the country and fight for freedom) taking a stand) The face of the one doing the 'crushing' is maniacal.
  • We are free in the end but it comes at a terrible, great cost
  • The eye of the world completely disgusted with this administration, (not Trump... the old, shadowy administration) what it tried to pull (agendas, scandals, 'crushing') and what it tried to do to the people. The world has respect for our hard fought freedom and leaves us alone.
  • The slow, rebuilding of the country in wholesome ways and living...we will be weary and humbled (we shall never again be 'Great') but we will be free!

The latest dream from the Lord was about 1 week ago (the last week of June 2013)... The message is the following:

  • Persecution is building against us as we speak
  • There are many believers who are not spiritually prepared at all for the great testings and trials ahead
  • Everything they need to prepare themselves spiritually has been provided for them; Consuming the Word of God, fasting and prayer, completely dead to self and the world, balanced, truthful teachings from holy and Godly teachers, continual warnings from God's 'watchmen'... but they are not taking advantage of these things.
  • They are being led astray by false teachers, false teachings, apostasy and heresy. They are compromising their faith, are wrapped up in the pleasures and cares of the world.
  • When the coming testings of persecution overwhelm us...these unprepared people will be completely overwhelmed and just evaporate under it all.
  • Those who are spiritually prepared will have heeded all the advanced warning and will simply be able to 'blend away and hide'; doing the will of God and standing protected and strong.
  • All the others who are not prepared will simply fall by the wayside, never to rise again
As a believer, make sure you are feeding yourself nutritious food and not sugary 'filler'... There is still time... time to be strengthened, time to be cleansed and molded and pruned. Time to draw as close to the Lord as you can...seeing only Him, depending and relying on only Him. Remember...God wants to be loved for Himself, not for what He can give you! Seek Him for Himself...Love Him for Himself... Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will be added to you (food, shelter, clothing).

'I have never seen the righteous forsaken 
nor their seed begging bread'

And the Lord says concerning the coming persecution that is caused by the unleashing of great wickedness against His people; "Be strong, stand firm... be silent before them and do not answer them... let them 'rant and rave'...  for all will be revealed in the end!"