A Christian Blog to encourage, challenge and strengthen.
...So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;

It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I desire,
And achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Caution Regarding posts 'Godly Lessons From Spiritual Encounters'

To glimpse into the spirit realm... whether through angelic or demonic encounters, is still just a 'glimpse'. There is so much we do not understand. It is enough that we seek God's face and being filled with the Holy Spirit, not place undue emphasis on these 'glimpses' but rather, as our Lord said, "Do not rejoice that the spirits are subject to you but rather rejoice that your names are written in heaven!" Luke 10:20  Does this mean that we ignore or deny that the spirit realm exists? Not at all! Rather that we simply follow Jesus and whenever He deems it necessary to our walk, our relationship with Him and to the encouraging and building up of the saints, to bring these 'glimpses' into our lives... that we prayerfully ponder them in our hearts and seek out God's wisdom and discernment in regards to their lessons and meanings. For God always has a reason when He cracks open the door to the spirit realm. And it will always serve Him, bring glory to Him and be used in order to shape/mold/grow us to bring us to spiritual maturity in Him. Anything less than this, is self-serving and shows itself to not be of God... the enemy more often than not, 'appears as an angel of light' to deceive, II Corinthians 11:14. Anything that lessens the Glory and Honor of God the Father, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, or the written Word of God.. is suspect and should be avoided. 

Feed upon and consume the Word of God through study, fasting and prayer and seek the face of Jesus...'Abide in Him and He will abide in you' John 15:4 and keep you safe from the enemies lies and deceptions.