A Christian Blog to encourage, challenge and strengthen.
...So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;

It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I desire,
And achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Think on These Things...

'Great Blue Heron'
"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, think on these things."
Phillipians 4:8 

To have as an intention
To regard as : consider
To reflect on : ponder
To subject to the processes of logical thought 
To exercise the powers of judgment, or inference : reason 
Being that which is the case rather than what is manifest or assumed, Steadfast, Loyal, Honest, Just.

Possessing outstanding qualities
Possessing very high or excellent qualities or properties
Very good or excellent.

Having a basis in or conforming to fact or reason : reasonable 
Acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good.

Unmixed with any other matter, free from taint 
Free from what weakens, or pollutes, containing nothing that does not properly belong.
Free from moral fault or guilt

Delightful for beauty, harmony, or grace 
Eliciting love by moral or ideal worth 

Conformity to a standard of right : morality
A particular moral excellence

creditable, meritorious, admirable
Admirable: Deserving the highest esteem
Meritorious: Deserving of honor or esteem
Creditable: Sufficiently good to bring esteem or praise
*Esteem: The regard in which one is held; especially high regard 
*Praise: To express a favorable judgment of,
To glorify God, especially by the attribution of perfections