A Christian Blog to encourage, challenge and strengthen.
...So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;

It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I desire,
And achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Monday, June 17, 2013

The HOLY Scriptures...


Why are the scriptures holy? What makes them holy and how do we know they are holy?

Let us consider that every single book of the Holy Bible were written by holy people.... people who were very close to God... some had either seen God the Father personally, seen Jesus as 'The angel of the Lord/Lord of Host, seen, heard and knew Jesus personally while He was on earth, seen heaven opened personally, and some were called of God to give accurate details of history from a godly view and not a biased 'human' view, and every single one was moved by or filled with the Holy Spirit. (and all of these occasions were both Old Testament and New Testament). It's not just a book...

You cannot write about God and accurately portray Him in a real and true way that is living and active; able to cut clean to the very souls of mankind; revealing the motives, intent and condition of the human heart; provide an accurate understanding of who He really is and who He is not; if you are not led/filled with the power of the Holy spirit...which is the Spirit of God Himself and therefore is talking about Himself in His own voice... the voice of the Holy spirit, God's very own, personal inner spirit of His great and wondrous being! He reveals Himself to us by the powerful, incredible, awesome voice of His own inner being... the Holy Spirit... The Holy Spirit that talks of holy things and gives us understanding of what pleases and displeases Him and how we can know the difference. How we can appropriately approach Him, and in what ways we may not approach Him. How we can know God will hear our prayers and how we can know when He will not hear them and the reasons why. How we can be made right with Him, and how we are not made right with Him. What clears the way to truly knowing Him and what hinders and stands in our way of knowing Him...

Scripture was not penned by just anyone. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, (His own Spirit, His own voice) God Himself 'spoke' to men who served Him, loved Him and were holy. Men who wanted God and knew God in a very real way... men who gave up their lives to God and were shaped, molded, and tried in fires of affliction, persecution, troubles, trials and tribulation... and after they were tried... they were proven before God and made trustworthy in His sight to be given the great and incredible honor of accurately portraying His character, His thoughts, His ways, His judgements, His great heart, in written form... for the glory of His greatness because He is most worthy and deserving of all worship and all praise! and for a precious, beautiful gift given to His people... for "God knows those who are His!" 2nd Timothy 2:19

Who better to tell us about Himself, to portray Himself accurately then He Himself.

Scripture says, "The Word of God (scripture itself given to us by God, by His own Spirit, His own voice) is foolishness to those who are perishing... (Is this you... are you perishing? Do you consider the Holy scriptures as foolishness or 'moral folly'?) but to those of us who believe (Is this you" Do you love God, love His 'voice', want His ways, His Truth and His Life?) it is the gift of God given to us for our salvation!" How beautiful! How wonderful, and how perfect!

Jesus, the only begotten Son of God said, (and these things He said were recorded by godly, holy men for our benefit that we may rightly know Him)

*"If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father" John 14:7
*"I and the Father are one" John 10:30
*"Before Abraham was, I AM!" John 8:58
*"No man can come to Me, lest the Father draws him" John 6:44
*"The Father seeks true worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth" John 4:23
*"I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life; no man comes to the Father but through Me" John 14:6

Jesus The Son of God knows God (for He is also God) and therefore says, "No one knows the Son accept the Father and know one knows the Father accept the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him". Matthew 11:27

Is Jesus, the Son of God, revealing the Father to you?