A Christian Blog to encourage, challenge and strengthen.
...So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;

It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I desire,
And achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Giving of a Candle Flame To Gain The Sun...


It began With a longing,
That’s how I remember it
I didn’t know its name
But I knew
I wanted it
I was afraid…
But only because it was unknown
Some nameless dread
Would stand in my way
But I would always
With trembling heart
Push it aside
The longing always stronger
Than the fear
And I began to be rewarded
Not with things
But with Him
We often hear the expression
He is all you need’
But this was more
He was all I wanted
My hearts obsession
And the cost became daily
Yet each thing
Thought of as cost
Became as the giving
Of a candle flame
To gain the sun
And it moved beyond me…
And became all about Him
And the time came
When the longing
Now drinking freely
From the bottomless cup
Became passion
And burned with zeal
And with the passion and zeal
Came a focus…
And all pertaining.

*Let go the small,flickering candle of 'self' and embrace the all encompassing Son of God!

For in Him we live and move and have our being...
Acts 17:28