A Christian Blog to encourage, challenge and strengthen.
...So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;

It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I desire,
And achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Redeeming The Time...

Redeeming the time....

Stop giving to 'men' and start giving to God! Follow the money and see where it goes, into someones pocket or into the true kingdom of God. In the kingdom of God, a person does not get paid just for talking and putting on a show... that is a 'career' and not a 'calling'. Know the difference.

There is a great sea of weary laborers in the harvest fields of the kingdom that give all they are to the call of God in their lives from missionaries, to orphanage workers, to leper outreach, to bible translators and on into countless 'behind the scenes' support systems all connected and intertwined within the vast work of the kingdom of God. And many are being robbed and forced to work with the trickles, drops and dregs of the crumbs leftover from the feasts of selfish opulence, hoarding and 'decietfulness of riches' prosperity teachings, poured out daily on so many believers world wide.

This must stop!! So many Christians today are daily coerced, manipulated and guilt tripped into pouring 'seed money' (such sickening heresy!) into mega 'so called' ministries and mega 'so called' churches. These man made 'ministries and churches' are swindlers, thieves, and master con artists! They are like a 'party town in a desert' that channels all the water to itself and leaves only a trickle for everyone else. They are full of pomp and show and flash! Those who steer wealth toward themselves and teach others to do the same are not of the kingdom of God and have no concept of what the true life of the believer is to be while on this earth. And if it is not about accumulating wealth it is about something even worse...They may tell you that they do all kinds of 'good works' and 'social' outreach... but a 'social' outreach 'gospel' is no gospel at all and there is no such thing as a 'social' gospel... it is humanism and socialism.

A gospel that does not preach the sin of man/payment for that sin through the cross of Jesus Christ the Son of God/repentance for that sin by trusting in the work of Christ done on that cross/forgiveness after true repentance/ reconciliation with God the father after that repentance/and a new life filled with the Holy Spirit and living wholly for God after that reconciliation... is not the true gospel and anyone/group/organization whatever, that tells you any different... 'Run! Do not walk, to the nearest exit'!

True works that are pleasing to God come after salvation... because God Himself has holy works prepared in advance for those who love and serve Him. The holy gospel first, then holy works follow.

The gospel must be first... it is not a side dish to the main meal or an option selected from the shelf. It is first and foremost... for those who get their bellies full without the true gospel stay in darkness. And those who come to merely have their bellies made full do not care about the light and therefore also remain in darkness. The gospel of Jesus Christ is more than filling bellies and there are those who will seek salvation and not care about full bellies... they hunger and thirst for release from the terrible burdens upon their souls: they know they are in darkness but don't know how to get out... and these are the ones who will receive light. A person does not receive light just because you give him something to eat... he receives light when he hungers and thirsts for it.

So going on a 'social' gospel campaign will not bring people the gospel... only The Gospel brings people The Gospel! Kick the fear of man out the door, stifle the abomination that is political correctness... take up your cross daily and follow Jesus... and preach Christ and Him crucified! Then they will be shown the true gospel of Christ!

You can start giving within the kingdom of God without someones 'permission' or having someone 'over you'... you do not have to be part of a group or church and do not let anyone tell you any different! You have a right as a true child of God to pray, seek His direction and then give where He leads. True prayer opens so many doors and you will be absolutely amazed at how much God will do through one committed and dedicated believer. Giving is a joy!! Serving God with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength is an even greater joy!!

Here are a few links of very trustworthy people/groups/organizations to get you started.

To me, this is one of the most exciting things God is doing right now in promoting the gospel. I cannot help but feel excitement as that of the very first bible printed in the common language in the middle ages that made it available to the masses! The impact is phenomenal!!
The Gospel: 'Jaars' (Associated with Wycliffe Bible Translators)
These guys are the 'support system' behind the scenes... their boat transportation project is in its infancy and is very much needed for the tremendous amount of work in areas along large and small river systems as well as the thousands of islands in Indonesia and the Pacific.

The Gospel with works: 'Hand of Help' 
Romanian pastor Michael Boldea is a very Godly man, an excellent teacher and can be trusted implicitly!
The Gospel with works: 'Unreached Villages' 
This is a truly wonderful group! Indigenous missions, training centers, orphanage, etc... reaching into very spiritually dark places and bringing the light of Christ! 

 The Great Commission
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.  
Mark 16:15-16

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Matthew 28:18-20